About us

Squaddle was created by a group of friends frustrated with how hard it was to organise football each week using WhatsApp groups.

Jamie Andrews

Squaddle is led by Jamie Andrews. He previously co-founded Loco2 with his sister, before selling it to the French rail operator SNCF.

After spending over a decade in Hackney, Jamie now lives in mid-Wales with his partner and their three year-old son, where he plays football using Squaddle twice a week. You’ll also find him attempting to learn Welsh (mae cymraeg yn galed iawn!), chairing the board of Riding Sunbeams, or helping more people start driving electric cars

Scott Scrivens
Head of Product & Design

Scott's behind all the UX and design bits at Squaddle, so blame him if anything looks a little funky.

He previously worked as a Senior Editor at androidpolice.com, writing about tech hardware and software, and as a digital marketeer/product owner prior to that.

He lives in London and organises a weekly football game in Hackney using Squaddle. He can otherwise be found playing guitar, searching for Koroks, or listening to math rock.